Maxim Games is a small independent game studio based in Zagreb, Croatia. Starting on the Klotzen game from „the garage“ as a personal side-project for the game creator Zoran the game evolved up to a point where it was clear it was time for a game studio. So in 2015., first team members have joined to bring their expertise into the game. The team grew rapidly and now consists of 15 full-time and part time members.

Zoran Stanić
CEOZoran is the creator and visionary of the Klotzen! Panzer Battles game. He has a diploma in atomic physics from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb and has spent the last eight years programming web applications for the Mangonel company. While working as a programmer, he found the work he was passionate about – creating video games. The work on Klotzen started in 2015. and it should soon see the light of the day. He is the cofounder of the Maxim Games.

Vedran Stanić
Co-ownerVedran is a cofounder of Maxim Games. He graduated Computer sciences at St. John's University in Minnesota, and has been programming from 2004. He founded his first company in 2007., and has partnered with his brother Zoran in creating the Maxim Games studio.

Lea Kosović
PR & Communications ConsultantLea is a fourth-year student of Communicology and PR at Edward Bernays college. She is the head of the Digital marketing and PR at Maxim Games, and also participates in organization of various events and happenings.

Alan Špiljak
Multimedia ArtistAlan is a true multidisciplinary, creating animations and sound and helping with graphic design. In free time he does photography, composing music and graphic design.

Dario Magdić
3DDario is a self-taught 3D artist and a 3D team lead. He says that modeling for games makes his dreams come alive. Most of his inspiration comes from old games and real life so he is a great fit for our team!

Mario Bursik
Research and Map DesignA master of all things historical, Mario helps with researching details of large ww2 operations, characteristics of various equipment used in the conflict and more.